P. 13


         Devolution delivering services

                     closer to the people

          In the last five years, the Mandera County Government has prudently utilised
          the funds allocated to it from the national Treasury. The funds include money
            collected locally and funds from development partners to resuscitate the
           local economy that greatly suffered from successive marginalisation since
         independence. We have put in place basic infrastructure for all sectors in order
           to deliver crucial services to the people at the grassroots to transform their
                                     living conditions
            he people of Mandera, just like those in   suring availability of drugs and skilled health
            other  semi-arid  counties,  greatly  ben-  workers.
        Tefited from the promulgation of the 2010   Before devolution, a majority of the wards were
        Constitution of Kenya that heralded a paradigm   inaccessible by road. It would, for instance,   government has invested in a teachers’ train-
        shift in governance and resources distribution.   take two days to travel to Banisa and Takaba   ing college that will produce graduate teach-
        Mandera County Government exemplifies the   sub-counties from Mandera Town. The poor   ers. We have also set up early childhood de-
        success  and  benefits  of  devolution.  For  the   road network, a result of neglect by previous   velopment and education training centres for
        first time, our people are able to benefit direct-  national governments, made travelling by road   ECD teachers, and established the Mandera
        ly from national resources. The county, being   within Mandera very tedious.   Technical Training Institute for vocational train-
        one of the least developed of Kenya’s 47, had   The  County  Government of  Mandera,  within   ing. Additionally, the county has partnered with
        the herculean task of catching up with the oth-  a span of just two years, built an all-weather   Kenya Medical Training College to establish
        ers that were more developed. This, coupled   murram roads to connect remote villages in   a training college that will produce nurses,
        with prevailing insecurity from terrorism, made   all sub-counties. Mandera Town was given a   clinical officers and technicians from the local
        the first five years very challenging. However,   facelift with the construction of tarmac road   population.
        Mandera County Government overcame these   within the town. The national government is   The other sectors that received massive in-
        hurdles to successfully established functioning   currently working on a 153km tarmac road   vestment from the county in the last five years
        systems of governance and laid the foundation   connecting Rhamu and Elwak, a project that   include agriculture and livestock, trade and
        for economic growth and development.                                    industry, public service and cohesion and in-
                                            is nearing completion. The improved road net-
        In the last five years, the Mandera County Gov-  work greatly enhanced the movement of goods   tegration, and  social service. In  agriculture,
        ernment has prudently utilised the funds allo-  and people between towns, thus reducing the   for instance, the county operationalised all the
        cated to it from the national Treasury. The funds   cost of doing business.  previously stalled irrigation schemes such as
        include money collected locally and funds                               BP1, Gadudia, Aresa, Hareri, Shantoley and
        from development partners to resuscitate the   In another front, the county government was   Rhamu Dimtu. Irrigation canals were increased
        local economy that greatly suffered from suc-  confronted with a dire situation of water short-  by a total distance of 7.8km of main concrete
        cessive marginalisation since independence.   age in most settlements across the county at   and lateral canals for increased and efficient
        We have put in place basic infrastructure for   the beginning of the first term of devolution. We   flow of water to the farms.
        all sectors in order to deliver crucial services   spent a huge chunk of the resources in the last   Many of the challenges we experienced at in-
        to the people at the grassroots and transform   five years, building earth pans and mega dams   ception are now behind us. We have stream-
                                            besides drilling and equipping new boreholes.
        their lives.                        We also repaired and reequipped existing   lined  procurement  processes  and  financial
        In the health sector, the county government   boreholes across the county. Overall, Mandera   management at the county Treasury and put
                                                                                in place well-trained and highly motivated
        inherited dilapidated infrastructure and non-  County  is  now  water  secure  and  for  the  first   work force. We are now finalising our county
        operational facilities in all the sub-counties.   time in five years no water trucking was done in   integrated development plan (CIDP) for 2018-
        There were no drugs and other basic ameni-  the dry spell of December 2017, January and   2022, which involved rigorous stakeholder en-
        ties. We had the worst health indicators in the   February of 2018, even though we have well-  gagements and needs assessment meetings
        world. The County Government under the able   maintained water bowsers owned by the coun-  at the grassroots. Our focus is to place re-
        leadership of H.E Ali Ibrahim Roba managed to   ty Government on standby. The focus now is   sources in programmes that have the greatest
        turn around the sorry state of our health sector   shifting from provision of water to provision of   positive impact in the long run for our commu-
        by investing in modern health infrastructure in   clean and potable water to all the settlements.  nities. The 2018-2022 CIDP will be the basis for
        all wards. The new facilities include operating   In Education, Mandera County Government   developing our annual plans and budgets over
        theatres, modern laboratories, in-patient wards   stepped in to avert crisis of mass exodus of   the next five years. The programme-based ap-
        and paediatric centres. The county employed   non-local teachers on security grounds, as   proach that we are adopting will reduce du-
        and deployed medical staff to all the health fa-  they were targeted by Al-Shaabab terrorists.   plication of projects and reduce wastage in
        cilities, including the new ones. These invest-  The county government employed untrained   all the sectors. This transformative vision and
        ments have led to a reduction in child mortality   local teachers for both secondary and primary   development  plan  will  help  Mandera  County
        rates, and an increase in access to specialised   schools to supplement the few remaining lo-  Government catch up with the most developed
        treatment, as well as expansion of centres with   cal teachers. In addition, the county also em-  counties that benefited greatly from the nation-
        specialised healthcare equipment. The focus   ployed ECD teachers, who were deployed to   al government since independence.
        now is shifting to universal healthcare as part   all schools to build strong foundation for early
        of President Uhuru Kenyatta’s Big Four agen-  childhood education.
        da. To this end, Mandera County Government                              H.E. MOHAMED AHMED ARAI
        will continue expanding and improving on the   As a long-term solution to fill the gap created   DEPUTY GOVERNOR
        health infrastructure in all wards, while en-  by the exodus of skilled non-local workers in
                                            the health and education sectors, the county
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