P. 16

                 Service delivery through

                          public participation

              andera County Assembly has success-
              fully transacted several businesses de-
        Mspite  the  MCAs  having  been  in  office
        for just a few months. The Assembly considers
        public participation a crucial pillar to promote
        accountability and enhance local service de-
        livery. The second Mandera County Assembly
        continues to involve the public in decision-
        making processes through participation fo-
        rums in all the wards.

        Even during the vetting of County Executive
        Committees members, the Assembly allowed
        the pubic to fully participate in the process. To
        further enhance the discourse of public par-
        ticipation, the County Assembly is in the pro-
        cess of developing the Mandera County Public
        Participation Act.

        To date, the Assembly has passed 10 motions.
        In addition, the Assembly has considered and
        disposed of more than 10 public petitions. Fur-
        ther, the Assembly has strengthened ward of-
        fices in all the 30 wards in Mandera. This was
        done to enhance public engagement and par-
        ticipation and to facilitate members to properly
        engage with their electorate.

        The County Assembly will soon embark on
        extensive countywide civic education forums.   Hon. Mohamed Khalif - Speaker
        Through these forums, MCAs will have an op-  Mandera County Assembly
        portunity to interact with the people they rep-
        resent and address issues as well as challeng-
        es affecting the electorate. These issues have   These challenges can, however, be overcome
        been incorporated in the County Integrated   if all arms of government work with a common
        Development Plan, budget process and As-  goal in mind.   We will  continue to  deliver on
        sembly motions.
                                            our mandate to oversight the Executive without
                                            bias or being compromised.
        The Mandera County Assembly is in the pro-  To ensure the members are well-equipped to
        cess of  reviewing  its Standing  Orders,  which   properly  oversight  the  Executive,  the  Assem-
        govern procedures in the House. The Assem-  bly has undertaken several capacity training   Hon. Ahmed Surrow
        bly is also in the process of fast-tracking legis-  for the members, which includes training for   - Clerk Mandera
        lation that will improve the welfare of margin-  implementation committee, delegated legisla-  County Assembly
        alised groups, destitutes and people living with   tion, Speaker’s panel, county public accounts
        disabilities.                       committee,  powers and privileges, budget   The County Assembly will
                                            and appropriation committee, house business   soon embark on extensive
                                            committee and the whole house. These train-  countywide civic education
        Given the fragile nature of our ecosystem, the   ings underscore our commitment to build the
        Assembly is also in the process of developing   institutional capacity of the Assembly to be   forums. Through these forums,
        and enacting legislation on environmental pro-  aboveboard.            MCAs will have an opportunity
        tection, livestock and domestic animals and
        improving education and health.     There is, therefore, need for proper dialogue   to interact with the people
                                            and engagement between the Executive and   they rep-resent and address
                                            the  Assembly to  always uphold  principles  of
        Devolution  has  been  greatly  beneficial  to  the   separation of power and checks and balances.   issues as well as challenges
        residents of Mandera. But it has not been with-  To enhance the working relationship between   affecting the electorate.
        out its challenges. For instance, we have had   the two arms of government, the oversight role   These issues have been
        to endure the burden of accumulated debts   of the Assembly has to be recognised and ap-
        and pending bills due to delays by the naa-  preciated without being adversarial.  incorporated in the County
        tional government to release funds. In addition,                        Integrated Development Plan,
        lack of skilled manpower has hampered our                              budget process and Assembly
        development plans, which calls for homegrown
        solutions and empowerment of locals through                                        motions.
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