P. 46


        Achievements                        to specialised services in the first one year of   •  A  new  level  three  hospital  has  been  con-
        In order to improve the health of the popula-  devolution, while three hospitals have been up-  structed.
        tion and reduce the burden of diseases, the   graded from level three to level four.  •The  County  Government  has  partnered  with
        County made significant investment in the in-
        frastructure.  The County has managed to ad-  •The  number  of  primary  healthcare  facilities   Kenya Red Cross Society to provide seven fully
        dress the ailing health infrastructure inherited   (health centres and dispensaries) has been   equipped ambulance and procured two more
        from National Government in a bid to transform   increased from 18 to 68, while 25 new housing   using partner funds (DANIDA and UNFPA).
        the sector by increasing healthcare financing,   units for health workers have been constructed   •Construction  of  two  modern  accident  and
                                            to accommodate health workers in rural health
        with an average annual budgetary allocation of                          emergency units in Mandera County Referral
        Sh1.2 billion, which translates to 600 per cent   facilities.           Hospital and Elwak Hospital is underway.
        budgetary increase compared to the health al-  •Eighteen more modern maternity wings have
        location in pre-devolution era. This is aimed at   been constructed to increase access to skilled   •Automation of Mandera County Referral Hos-
        addressing Mandera’s policy objectives and   deliveries.                pital is complete and is now paperless record-
        reducing inequalities in healthcare provision.                          ing. This will soon be cascaded down to sub-
                                            •Construction of two new operating theatres in   county hospitals.
        Since 2013, the County has made significant   Lafey and Banisa sub-counties to offer com-
        progress in healthcare  infrastructure provision:
                                            prehensive obstetric care is underway and is   •Installation of cold chain system (solar pow-
                                            expected to be operationalised in the next few   ered fridges for immunisation) was done in 27
        • The numbers of referral hospitals have been                           health facilities across the County.
        increased from one to three to improve access   months.

        Health CEC Ahmed Sheikh inspects the newly acquired equipment.  New bed facility in one of the wards at Mandera Referral Hospital.
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