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          sub-county     number of beneficiaries   ability from 12 nomadic counties of Kenya to   activities
          Banisa              41            get full high school scholarships  • Fencing, installation of water tank, construc-
          Lafey               74            To  advocate for  inclusive  living,  homes, ser-  tion of toilet and beautification at the Khalalio
          Mandera East        103           vices and amenities for children with disability  Social Hall
          Mandera North       89            To promote peace and integration among no-  • Supporting other stakeholders on sensitisa-
          Mandera South       127           madic communities in Kenya           tion against female genital mutilation
          Mandera west        113           To promote sporting and cultural tourism   • Supporting street and destitute children and
                                            among the nomadic counties in Kenya  persons addicted to substance abuse
        The money is disbursed to the PWSDs through   To establish a mentorship programme to nur-
        Kenya Commercial Bank and its agents.   ture the students on leadership  Youth
        Other projects implemented by the department                           Under Youth, the department achieved the fol-
        for PWDs include:                   The target                         lowing:
        Construction of special toilets (two pit latrines)   In the 2017 Desert Wheel Race, NONDO was   • Lobbied for youth employment – today, 80%
        and an underground water tank for students   targeting to raise funds to see 200 students   of the county’s work force (1,498 as recruited
        with special needs                  with disability through high school. Those who   by  the  County  Public  Service  Board)  are  in
        Provision  of accessories  to  blind  students in   do well in secondary school are considered for   the youth bracket. A majority of them are ECD
        schools - four braille machines, computer soft-  university and college scholarship.   teachers, health workers and enforcement of-
        ware for the blind and scientific calculators for                        ficers
        the blind                                                              • Provided training to over 400 youth in various
        Capacity building, sensitisation and aware-  Orphanage support programme  skills
        ness  trainings for  PWDs,  including  on peace   Mandera County Government has an orphan-  • Provided bursary funds that have been dis-
        and community integration           age support programme at the Mandera Islam-  tributed to all needy youth across the county
        Vocational training for PWD groups  on income   ic Centre, which supports orphans in Mandera   • Provided support to various sporting activities
        -generating activities              East. This new programme will provide individ-  such as distribution of uniforms and establish-
                                            ual and institutional support to four orphanage   ment of play grounds in various centres and
        Marking of International Day  for Persons   centers within the county.   schools
        With Disabilities                                                      • Lobbied for 30% of county government con-
        December 3 is the International Day for Per-  Representatives from the four selected orphan-  tracts to be reserved for the youth and other
        sons  With Disabilities.  This day  is  marked   age centres received a Sh4.6 million grant. The   special groups
        globally to highlight the plight and challenges   selected orphanage centres are:   • Empowered the youth with entrepreneurial
        facing persons living with any form of disability   • Al-Hidaya Orphanage Centre  skills through trainings
        and the effects it has on their lives. As a county,   • Mandera Islamic Centre   • Construction of community libraries in Man-
        we showed our support and solidarity with the   • Al-Fowzan Orphanage Centre   dera South, Lafey and Rhamu to inculcate a
        PWDs in Mandera.                    • Aluwaiys Orphanage Centre          reading culture in the county. The libraries will
        The event is always held at the Mandera Bus                              greatly  benefit  schools  and  those  pursuing
        Park and normally graced by County Execu-  The  programme  initially  involved  relief  food   further studies.
        tives from different ministries. PWDs in the   distribution and disbursement of a small
        county have been made aware that they can   amount of money. But the initiative has since   CASE STUDY SIDE BAR: SHUEB
        get assistance devices from social services of-  grown  and  cash  disbursement  significantly   MOHAMED - AMPUTEE
        fices in each  sub-county.          increased. The ministry, for instance, will this
                                            financial year disburse Sh9.4 million. Fifty per   n the hilly  town of  Malka Mari,  we meet
        The Desert Wheel Race               cent of this amount has already been released.   IShueb Mohamed, whose smile belies his
        The Desert Wheel Race is an outstanding   In  the  next  financial  year,  the  amount  will  be   painful ordeals. For years, seven-year-old
        NONDO  patented  annual  flagship  event  that   more than doubled to Sh20 million. With the   Shueb, an amputee ECD pupil has been
        draws hundreds of participants in wheelchairs   extra amounts,  the programme  will  now also   struggling to walk using a stick as a support.
        to compete. The race is organised by NONDO,   cater for the cost of clothing and food for the   This has negatively impacted on his walking
        the  first  non-profit  organisation  to  exclusively   orphans, as well as payments for teachers, ad-  style and changed his natural body posture.
        advocate for the rights, inclusion and participa-  ministrators and caregivers.  Getting to school and undertaking other nor-
        tion of PWDs from nomadic counties in Kenya                             mal  errands  has  also  been  a  very  difficult
        in all spheres of life.             Our aim is to limit the support programme to   task for him. But all these problems will be
                                            these four major orphanages with the intention   forgotten following an intervention by the
        The Desert Wheel Race Edition       of expanding their capacities, and hence reap-  Mandera County Government’s Department
        The event is held every year in a county chosen   ing the benefits of their economies of scale.  of Social Services.
        by NONDO. In its sixth edition, last year’s event
        was held on July 15 in Kajiado County. It drew   This  programme  will  employ  qualified  social   “We first heard Shueb’s story about a week
        participants from all the 47 counties.  workers to closely monitor and offer profes-  ago. Today we are here with a team from the
                                            sional assistance to needy families by advis-  Department of Social Services and an ortho-
        The cause                           ing them on income-generating and livelihood   paedic technologist to assess Shueb’s situ-
        The primary objective of the Desert Wheel Race   strategies. This aim will be to empower these   ation and accord him the necessary medical
        is to raise funds to support and amplify access   families economically, which is a commitment   support,” said Mr. Abdi Mohamed Ali, the
        to education for nomadic children with disabil-  the  county  has  undertaken  for  the  next  five   department’s Chief Officer.
        ity from the participating counties. The race   years.
        creates awareness on the challenges faced by                            As a long-term intervention measure, the or-
        these children, advocates for their inclusion in   Gender and social service  thopaedic  technologist  took  measurements
        the education system, as well as in other facets   The following were accomplished under the   of the amputated leg to prepare a prosthetic,
        of life. By bringing diverse nomadic communi-  gender and social service function:  which will be ready in two weeks’ time. In the
        ties together, the race also fosters peace and   • Construction of six social halls  meantime, the department provided Shueb
        integration among these communities, who   • Offering support for registration in the Older   with crutches.
        many times are involved in conflicts caused by   Persons Cash Transfer (OP-CT) programme.   The team left the boy all smiles as he awaits
        cattle rustling and scarce pasture and water for   This social welfare protection programme tar-  the prosthetic leg that will surely make life for
        their animals. Such conflicts not only affect dis-  gets older persons above the age of 70 years.   him much bearable.
        proportionately persons with disability, but also   • Launching of the National GBV hotline (1195)   This intervention underscores the county
        contribute to disability. The Desert Wheel Race   to create awareness on gender-based vio-  government’s commitment to support the
        is the first of its kind in East Africa.  lence in Mandera              weak and vulnerable in society.
        Objectives                          • Offering support to Mandera women with
        To raise funds to support 120 children with dis-  grants to finance or initiate income-generating
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