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        In addition to poor infrastructure and inade-  in infrastructure development since 2013.  The automation of health information in Man-
        quate qualified medical practioners, the Coun-  Health equipment        dera County Referral Hospital is complete and
        ty could not attract and retain skilled health   The County Government, with support from   will soon be cascaded to all sub-county hospi-
        workers. This further led to the deterioration of   partners like UNFPA, has procured assorted   tals. The number of health information officers
        healthcare services. As a matter of fact, health   equipment for all health facilities - obstetric, ra-  was  also  increased  from  one  before  devolu-
        facilities operated at only three per cent staffing   diological, laboratory and theatre equipment.   tion to 12 in 2015.
        level, far from the recommended WHO stan-  This has led to improvements in the quality of
        dard of three health workers per 1,000 people.   health  services,  especially  maternal  health-
        Timely and adequate referral system has been   care.                    Health products and technology
        a major problem that has made it difficult to re-                       The  supply of pharmaceutical, non-pharma-
        spond to emergencies and save human lives,                              ceutical and other essential products, has
        especially in cases of prolonged and compli-  Immunisation services     been enhanced through contracting a govern-
        cated labour among  pregnant women.  Provision of immunisation services is critical   ment agency (KEMSA), and about 600 tonnes
                                             to reduced infant mortality and requires func-  of supplies have been procured to treat the
        Mandera  County Government  has increased   tional and proper infrastructure. In Mandera,   most common ailments. The availability of es-
        healthcare financing, with an average annual   the services are now offered in 45 health fa-  sential drugs and supplies has seen increased
        budgetary allocation of Sh1.6 billion, which   cilities, which is more than double the number   utilisation of healthcare facilities from 15 per
        translates to 600 per cent increase from health-  of facilities (18) that previously offered the ser-  cent in 2012 to 65 per cent in 2015.
        care  financing  before  devolution  to  address   vices. This has led to the realisation of more
        its policy objectives and reduce inequalities in   fully-immunised children before their first birth-  Health leadership
        healthcare. To improve infrastructure (physical,   days -  from less than 7,630  in 2012 to 13,420   This was set up to attain a well-performing
        equipment, transport and ICT) coverage, the   children by 2015.         health system. It has been developed for all
        County Government has increased the number                              sub-county hospitals, referral hospitals and
        of referral hospitals from one to three in order to   Referral services  County headquarters. The result has been a
        improve access to specialised services in the                           robust management structure to spearhead
        first  one  year  of  devolution,  while  three  more                   the planning and implementation of health ac-
        hospitals have been upgraded from level three                           tivities.
        to level four. The number of primary healthcare
        facilities has also been increased from 18 to
        68. To improve access to primary healthcare,                            Public private partnership
        25 new dispensaries and 25 new housing units                            This kind of partnership is  key to offering qual-
        for  health workers  were  constructed  in the                          ity and responsive healthcare. In this regard,
        2014/2015 financial year.                                               the Mandera County Government has part-
                                             The  County  had  no  ambulance  services  be-  nered with bilateral donors and NGOs such as
        Health Infrastructure                fore devolution, but it has now partnered with   UNFPA, KRCS, UNICEF, WHO, SCI, IRK, AM-
                                             Kenya Red Cross Society to provide seven   REF, HPA and the national Ministry of Health to
                                             fully-equipped ambulances, which are strate-  implement specific activities, including mater-
                                             gically stationed in all sub-counties to provide   nal health, immunisation, HIV/TB, nutrition and
                                             emergency referrals. Besides these seven,   community health strategy.
                                             the county has acquired  through partners   The  county  is  in  the  process  of  finalising  a
                                             five  new  more  ambulances  and  distributed   four year partnership with Philips for equiping
                                             them across the seven sub counties.This has   county health facilities.
                                             increased the number of patients who receive
                                             timely and quality referral totaling to 3,955 with   Going forward, the ministry, through its strate-
                                             1,449 being Maternal cases referrals.  gic plan is planning to:
        Twenty two modern maternity hospitals have
        been constructed while 2 new modern ma-                                 •  Roll out the Kenya Community Health Strat-
        ternities are under construction at Elwak and   Health workforce          egy and set up 50 community health units
        Mandera county Referral hospitals.   The county increased the number of health   by the end of 2017 in a bid to improve ac-
                                             workforce to 833 including 265 nurses, 39   cess to healthcare services in the entire
        All these are geared towards reducing ma-  doctors,  108  clinical  officers,  25  pharm  tech   County.
        ternal mortality through provision of skilled   and 47 lab technicians among others thus im-
        deliveries.  Consequently, deliveries  in public   proving the staffing level by 554 per cent. This    •  Continue reducing maternal mortality to an
        hospital facilities has increased from 3,800 to   increase in health workforce also represents   acceptable level through an integrated ap-
        over 15000 safe deliveries while  antenatal at-  45  per  cent  of  the  optimal  staffing  levels  re-  proach using the M-CARE strategy that is
        tendance has improved from 8,900 to 12,300   quired by our health sector compared to the   already in place.
        pregnant women.  The county government in   insignificant  three  per  cent  increase  before
        a bid to improve maternal health care is in the   devolution.           •  Change the face of Mandera Referral Hos-
        process of constructing 2 new operating the-  This has enabled the Ministry  of Health to   pital by setting up a modern outpatient de-
        atres for Lafey and Banisa sub counties to offer   open 40 more public healthcare facilities. The   partment, maternity, theatre and a paediat-
        comprehensive obstetric care. Cumulatively,   Ministry of Health heavily invested in capac-  ric ward.
        the county Government has spent Sh2.9 billion   ity development for healthcare workers. To
                                             date, more than 290 health workers have been   •  Put  up  maternity  wings  for  all  new  health
                                             trained in different areas.          facilities  by  2020  and  upgrade  five  health
                                                                                  centres to level four.
                                             Health information
                                             Health information provides the basis for   •  Improve  access  to  specialised  healthcare
                                             monitoring and evaluation in healthcare. It has   by ensuring availability of specialists and
                                             been improved through procurement of stan-  modern equipment.
                                             dard reporting tools, which has enabled  the
                                             health sector to track performance targets set
                                             to address its objectives.
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