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          celebrating improved maternal health in Mandera

        Governor Roba inspects the newly constructed modern maternity wing at
        the Mandera County Referral Hospital. Inset: Aerial view of the facility.

             efore devolution, Mandera County had   ity and empower women, with the specific goal   stetric equipment to all health facilities in the
             the worst health indicators that were not   of reducing child mortality rate. The strategy   county. Presently, 80% of our health workers
        Bonly below the national averages, but fell   also dovetailed into the National Reproductive   are  locals,  and  this  has  led  to  significant  re-
        way off global indicators as well.  Health Policy and Vision 2030. The objective   duction in terror attacks. This represents an in-
                                            was to accelerate the reduction of maternal,   crease of the health work force from 150 to 833
        The  county’s  Maternal  Mortality  Rate  (MMR)   newborn and childhood morbidity and mortal-  in 2017, including 34 Medical Officers.
        for instance stood at 3,795 deaths per 100,000   ity.
        live births, which is a significant deviation from                     In  the  current  financial  year  (2017/2018),  we
        the national average of 488 deaths per 100,000   Further, the county made maternal and neo-  improved  healthcare  financing  through  al-
        live births.                        natal child healthcare top priority areas in the   location of over 21% of the total county bud-
                                            health service delivery.  We increased the   get to health. In addition, in order to double
        At the advent of devolution in March 2013, we   number of health facilities providing basic   Mandera’s human resource for its healthcare
        inherited 53 health facilities, out of which only   emergency obstetric care (BEMOC) from 18   needs, the County Government has partnered
        three were operational, but at only 10% capac-  to 70, with all the facilities operating at 100%   with  the  Kenya  Medical  Training  College
        ity.  In addition, a majority of the 154 healthcare   capacity.        (KMTC) to train more local health workers.
        workers inherited from the national government
        were unskilled. The entire county for instance   Unfortunately, due to circumstances beyond   The implementation of the above strategy is
        only  had  one  medical  officer.  There  were  no   our control, including terrorism, we could not   aimed at drastically improving the Reproduc-
        ambulance services and the only theatre at   attract specialised cadre despite many recruit-  tive, Maternal, Newborn, Child and Adoles-
        Mandera Hospital was ill-equipped. In fact   ment attempts. Further, the county government   cence Health (RMNCAH) indicators. We can
        Mandera Hospital was in a shocking state of   increased the number of facilities that provide   now proudly declare that in the last five years
        disrepair.                          comprehensive emergency obstetric care (CE-  of devolution, the county has recorded over
                                            MOC) from one to six.  By the end of 2017,   63,000 skilled deliveries conducted in our facil-
        To address these problems, the inaugural   antenatal care attendance had jumped from   ities. But we still registered 66 maternal deaths
        Mandera County Government developed an   30% to 75%.  We also increased the proportion   out of the 63,000 deliveries, (0.1%). Our strate-
        investment strategy in line with the Millennium   of skilled birth attendants from 28% to 70% in   gic direction in the next five years is to register
        Development Goals to promote gender equal-  2017. In addition, we distributed modern ob-  zero maternal deaths.
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