P. 35


        The county recruited 520 Early Childhood De-
        velopment and Education (ECDE) teachers
        from the six-sub-counties on a contract basis.
        For those who are trained, a scheme of service
        was developed for them from Job Group G to
        R. The County Government further advised the
        trained teachers to register with TSC for profes-
        sional development.

        Robust education policies
        Mandera County has constructed six ECDE
        model classrooms. In addition, a further 173   The employment of ECDE teachers, for exam-  ondary schools, to assist in teaching various
        classrooms have been constructed and are   ple, is matched with quality training and proper   subjects to fill the gap. The county also gave
        already in use. Meanwhile, the ECDE training   remuneration. ECDE programmes are crucial   a monthly stipend Sh10,000 to the UTs, which
        college started operating in January, 1998 and   for laying the foundation for further education   totaled to about Sh184 million. This stop-gap
        since then, 1,078 trainees have graduated from   and character development. Pre-schooling   measure was however discontinued after the
        the institution.                    plays a central role in establishing quality de-  security situation in the county improved.
                                            velopment of individuals.
        Our vision is to tackle the challenges in the ed-                       Most of the county’s ECDE teachers and UTs
        ucation sector - from ECDE, primary, second-  Children from low-income households who ac-  were the ones involved in running both pri-
        ary to vocational training and tertiary level - by   cess ECDE services will be more likely to enroll   mary and secondary schools during a nation-
        providing learners with bursaries. This will go a   in primary schools at the right age, and will be   wide teachers’ strike that paralysed teaching
        long way in the fight against illiteracy, poverty   less likely to drop out of school. In the arid and   throughout the country. During our assessment
        and insecurity.
                                            semi arid lands (ASALs), only nine to 10 per   and supervision, 90 per cent of county teachers
                                            cent of children access ECDE services.   (ECDE and UTs) were present and performing
        With this in mind, Mandera County rolled out                            their duties as required by the County Govern-
        robust education policies, ranging from teacher   After a series of terror attacks that led to a num-  ment.
        employment in partnership with TSC, training,   ber of non-local teachers leaving the county,
        funding of mock exams, prize giving ceremo-  Governor Ali Roba issued an executive order   Induction course for untrained teachers
        nies, improvement of infrastructure to provision   for the deployment of 615 untrained teachers   In 2015, 460 ECDE teachers underwent a 16-
        of learning materials, among other initiatives.   (UTs) to primary schools, and over 377 to sec-  day  induction  course  conducted  by  lecturers

                                                      Governor Ali Roba handing over a school bus at Moi Girl High School in Mandera.
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