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        Governor Ali Roba opens one of the newly
        constructed ECD classrooms.
        from the Kenya Institute of Curriculum Develop-
        ment (KICD) and Kenyatta University. The ob-
        jective of the induction course was to build the
        capacity for teachers in the provision of quality
        education to learners in the entire county.
        Another significant initiative by the Department
        of Education is the provision of sanitary tow-
        els to girls in secondary schools in the entire
        county. The programme was launched by Her
        Excellency the First Lady of Mandera County,
        Hodhan Ibrahim Hassan. The objective of this
        initiative is to improve the retention of girls in
        secondary schools.

        In  vocational  training,  a  total  of  383  students
        were admitted to various vocational training
        centres for skills development.  These training
        centres include Mandera Vocational Training   Above: Governor Roba during one of the visits at Mandera Technical Training institute. He later
        Centre, Takaba, Rahmu, Elwak, Banisa,Fino   presided over a prize-giving day at the Moi Stadium.
        and Rhamu Dimtu training centres.
                                            Investment in education             in Mandera. One such measures is the admin-
        In addition to this, 259 ECDE centres are op-  The following are some of the investment initia-  istration of mock exams for Class Seven and
        erational countywide, with a workforce of 520   tives by the County Government in education:  Class Eight pupils. This initiative was piloted in
        teachers. The Mandera Technical Training In-  • Provision of instructional and learning materi-  2014 with Class Eight and Form Four learners.
        stitute and Mandera Teachers Training College   als to ECDE centres     The exams were then extended to Class Seven
        are fully operational with an enrollment of 284   • Provision of three buses to Sheikh Ali High   and Form Three students in 2015. As a result
        and 126 respectively.               School, Elwak Boys and Moi Girls secondary   of this, the mean score for KCPE increased
                                            schools                             from 187 in 2013 to 252 in 2015. In KCSE, the
        The department further, through its emergency   • Provision of desks for ECDE classes  number of students who qualified for university
        programme, reconstructed schools that were   • Construction179 ECDE classrooms  increased from 20 students in 2013 to 450 stu-
        burnt and affected by clashes in 2013/2014.   • Construction of the County Education Office   dents in 2015.
        The affected schools were Guba, Choroqo,   in Mandera East
        Gofa and Orgarwein primary schools. Desks   • Construction of twin workshops in Mandera   In 2015, more than 168 candidates joined
        were also purchased for the host school of   East, Banisa, Fino and Elwak vocational train-  prestigious national schools. This was made
        Rhamu Dimtu that had temporarily accommo-  ing centres                  possible through the efforts of the County Gov-
        dated pupils pending the reconstruction of the   • Construction of community libraries in Man-  ernment that, among other initiatives, adminis-
        schools.                            dera South, Lafey and Rhamu to inculcate a   tered termly mock exams for both primary and
                                            reading culture in the county. The libraries will   secondary schools.
        Well-equipped colleges              greatly benefit schools and those pursuing fur-  Other initiatives to improve performance in ed-
        The department procured furniture and equip-  ther studies              ucation include quality assurance assessment,
        ment for the newly-constructed Mandera Tech-  • Construction of modern administration blocks   as well as giving of awards and motivational
        nical Training Institute.The college was officially   at Moi Girls and Mandera secondary schools in   speeches by mentors.
        opened in September 2016, and offers five dif-  Mandera East
        ferent technical courses.           • Fencing of Moi Girls Secondary School com-  The following programmes have also been un-
                                            pound in Mandera East               dertaken by the County Government:
                                            •  Procurement  of  assorted  sports  equipment   • Mandera County Education Conference held
                                            for 150 clubs                       on 7th and 8th June 2013, where all stakehold-
                                            • Distribution of Sh190.5 million in bursaries to   ers were brought onboard to address the poor
                                            24,800 beneficiaries countywide. H.E the Gov-  performance in the national examinations, both
                                            ernor promised full scholarship for students pe-  in KCSE and KCPE
                                            rusing teaching, medical and technical cours-  • Mandera Private Schools Association (MAP-
                                            es offered at the Mandera Teachers Training   SA) meeting on the performance of private
                                            college, Mandera Medical Training College   schools in 2013
                                            and Mandera Technical Training Institute   • Training of ECDE teachers during holidays
                                            • Construction of Mandera Teachers Training   • Provision of sports items for youth and county
                                            College                             sports tournament, which kicked off in Decem-
                                            • Construction of Mandera Technical Training   ber 2013
                                            Institute                           • Preparation of sectorial strategic plans 2013-
                                                                                2017, as well as work plans and procurement
                                            Programmes to improve performance   plans for the year 2013-2017
                                            To improve performance in national examina-  • Preparation and presentation of the County
                                            tions, the county initiated a raft of measures to   Integrated Development Plan (CIDP) to all
                                            mitigate and improve standards of education   stakeholders in the county
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