P. 40


          Social protection and empowerment pillar

                   yOUtH,GENDER AND SOcIAL


        Enabling people living with disability
             ver  the  past  five  years  following  the  inception  of
             the devolution, the County Government, through
        Othe Ministry of Youth, Gender and Social Services,
        has been fully committed to empowering and enriching the
        lives of persons with disabilities (PWDs).
        So far, we have invested over Sh120 million to purchasing
        income-generating equipment and mobility kits for PWDs.
        The county has also significant invested in capacity build-
        ing. We carried out a baseline survey during the 2015-
        2016 financial year.
        The survey was aimed at establishing the population of
        PWDs in Mandera County. The main objective was to ob-
        tain and provide up-to-date information on PWDs within the
        county that will be useful in planning, monitoring and eval-
        uating various activities, programmes and projects geared
        towards improving PWDs’ wellbeing.            Governor Ali Roba when he presented a Sh1.1 million cheque to Al-Fowzan
        In the same period, the ministry also procured mobility kits   Orphanage Centre to help destitute children. Above, a group of PWDs that ben-
        for over 700 PWDs. The kits included wheelchairs, tricy-  efited from wheelchair donations from the Mandera County government.
        cles, white canes for the blind and crutches. The kits were
        distributed in all the sub-counties to assist in enhancing   Persons with severe disability cash transfer
        the productivity and wellbeing of PWDs.       This programme targets the most vulnerable PWSDs in the county. PWSDs are
        Completed projects                            receive Sh2,000 per month, payable in compounded routine after two-month inter-
        Besides the county’s own initiatives, we also work closely   vals. There are 547 PWSDs who are enrolled in the programme across the county,
        with  other  sectors  to  ensure  that  PWDs  benefit  from  the   but a scale up is expected in the coming months. We have been in touch with the
        different programmes available across all sectors. These   head offices in Nairobi to help register more PWDs in the county, as many such
        programmes include persons with severe disability cash   people continue flocking our offices seeking registration. The table below shows
        transfer (PWSD-CT),                           the number of PWSDs who are enrolled in the programme in each sub-county:
   35   36   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45