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                                               The advent of devolution brought with it increased enrolment
                                              in schools. ECDE enrolment increased from 16,231 to 37,236;
                                             primary school enrolment improved from 74,545 to 84,632, while
                                              secondary school enrolment increased from 8,000 to 12,500.

        • Preparation of work plans and procurement
        plans in all departments
        •  Awarding  of  scholarships  to  students  who
        completed  Class  Eight  in  2013  –  Twenty-five
        students were picked by the Wings to Fly
        Scholarship (15 boys and 10 girls), 12 girls
        received scholarships from NoKET (Northern
        Kenya Education Trust), while three boys and
        one girl were awarded scholarships by Kenya
        Commercial Bank (KCB)
        • Employment of 520 ECDE teachers
        Prize-giving days
        Prize-giving days and parents’ meetings were
        held in the following schools:
        • Moi Girls Secondary School
        • Arabia Boys Secondary School
        • Sala Primary School
        • Malkamari Primary School
        • Kiliweheri Primary School         Acrobats perform at Gither during Governor Roba’s sub-county visit.
        • Mandera Secondary School
        • Elram Primary School
        • Buruburu Secondary School
        • Elwak Mixed Secondary School
        • Arabia Girls Secondary School
        • Olla Primary School
        • Joystart Academy
        • Barwako Secondary School
        • Wayam Secondary School
        More milestones
        •  Reading  culture  was  enhanced  following
        stoppage of cheating in examinations.
        • Development and improvement of six sports
        • Construction and completion of Moi Stadium
        in Mandera East.
        • Development and renovation of sports fields
        at Moi Girls Secondary School, Mandera Sec-
        ondary School, Wayam Secondary School,
        Takaba Primary School and Elwak D.E.B Pri-
        mary School.
        • Peace tournament held in the six sub-coun-  The Kenya Medical Training college in the county.
        ties. Trophies were awarded to the six winning
        teams. Mandera North were the overall winners   •  Feeding  programme  for  16,000  ECDE  chil-  County Government has constructed six more
        and were awarded the championship’s trophy.  dren in 214 centres. The food items dispatched   vocational training centres.
        • Training of 70 referees and coaches in the six   included 3,000 bags of rice, 1,200 bags of   Sports talent
        sub-counties.                       beans, 4,864 bags of unimix porridge and 800   The department has promoted talents in both
        • Education forums held at the sub-county level   cartons of cooking oil.   football and volleyball. A number of clubs were
        to sensitise teachers, students and parents on                         registered and participated in inter sub-coun-
        the importance of education and to celebrate   Career opportunities for Mandera residents  ties tournaments.
        performance.                        Before devolution, only four ECDE teachers   The First Lady Peace Cup tournament was
        •  Development  of  the  County  Education  Bur-  were employed by the defunct municipal coun-  held in Mandera in 2015. A team from Mandera
        sary Bill, 2014. Every ward has a bursary com-  cil. Today, the county has 520 ECDE teachers   County also participated in the inter-counties
        mittee.                             and plans to recruit an additional 200.   football and volleyball competitions in Kwale in
        • The Mandera County Village Polytechnic Bill   The vocational training centres produced over   2016. The County will continue developing tal-
        2014 was also passed by the Assembly.  228 graduates trained in various skills. These   ent promotion centres. For instance, Moi Sta-
        • The Mandera County ECDE Policy will soon   graduands were provided with necessary start-  dium has been completed and besides promot-
        be tabled in the Assembly.          up kits to kick-start their careers. Before devolu-  ing sports talent it will also be utilised for public
        • The ECDE Scheme of Service is also ready   tion, there were only two functional vocational   functions.
        for implementation.                 training centres in the entire county. Today, the
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