P. 39


         Governor Roba hands over a bursary cheque
               to cushion needy students.

                            Empowering locals through


            he bursary fund in Mandera County is a   Mandera County Government has borne the   all students admitted to the college will be fully
            noble and insightful investment in our   brunt of terror attacks that instigated an exodus   sponsored by the county.
        Tyouth.                             of non-local skilled  workers from the county.
                                            This was an eye-opener that prompted us to   We have also partnered with the Technical Uni-
        On April 5, we disbursed Sh40.5 million to a to-  seek local solutions. One way of doing this is   versity of Kenya to build a constituent college
        tal of 5,689 students. This number   by training locals and equipping them with the   in the county and fully sponsor local students.
        Includes 1,308 college and university students;   necessary skills.    So far, over Sh200 million have been invested
        4,154 secondary school students; 121 teacher                           and an additional Sh100 million earmarked for
        trainees at the Mandera Teachers Training Col-  Through strategic partnership with the Kenya   infrastructure development over the next finan-
        lege; and 106 students at Mandera Technical   Medical Training College (KMTC), we will be   cial year.
        Training College.                   investing Sh200 million in the 2018-2019 finan-
                                            cial year to build a medical training college. All   The county is aware that education is key to
        As Governor Ali Roba noted: “As we battle to   students admitted to the college will be fully   producing skilled manpower to spur Mandera
        undo the damage of years of marginalisation in   sponsored by the county.   towards greater socio-economic growth.
        education, we need to simultaneously steer our
        education system towards plugging the cur-  The county will also invest another Sh200 mil-  The investment the county is focusing on is one
        rent gaps and to meet the future human capital   lion in partnership with the Ministry of Education   that can be benchmarked with the very best
        needs of this county.”              to build a teachers’ training college. Similarly,   education system globally.
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