P. 69


         Donkeys awaiting transportation to Rhamu Livestock Market. Demand for donkeys
             has sharply increased over the years, making the trade quite lucrative.

         Donkey keeping is becoming

               big business in Mandera

            ivestock keeping is the mainstay of the   about their availability for sale, I was met with   these letters, she can freely trade and move her
            economy for the pastoralist community   resistance. The residents were not keen on sell-  livestock.
        Lin Mandera County. The main livestock   ing the animals. They asked all manner of ques-
        species in Mandera in order of importance are   tions, ranging from where I was taking them af-  She buys a donkey for between Sh3,500 and
        camel, cattle, goat, sheep, donkey and poul-  ter the purchase, to why I was not buying from   Sh8,000, depending on the weight and health
        try. Livestock numbers and their distribution   other parts of the country,” she explains.  of the donkey. She also pays a veterinary fee
        have changed over time, often vulnerable to                             and county government tax-handling fee.
        calamities like drought, diseases and pressure   But she eventually convinced them of her busi-  On a good day, she can buy and transports be-
        on rangeland resources due to an increase in   ness interests and the investment opportunity   tween 35 and 70 donkeys. All the animals are
        human population and settlements. This has   that the locals were missing. The narrative has   supplied to the Goldox Donkey Slaughterhouse
        in turn changed the livestock business in Man-  now changed. Donkey keepers in Mandera   in Mogotio, Baringo County, which slaughters
        dera County.                        now smile all the way to the bank. The once ne-  and exports both the meat and hide to China.
                                            glected animal has become priceless. In fact
        We visited Rhamu, a town in Mandera County   the trade in donkeys has now attracted farm-  Once the consignment is ready, she hires a
        that sits across the Daua River from the town   ers in neighbouring countries of Ethiopia and   trailer to transport the donkeys to Baringo, a
        of Sathe, in Ethiopia, at the international border   Somalia. Everyday is market day as livestock   journey that takes two days and costs Sh3,000
        between  Kenya  and  Ethiopia.  Here,  we  met   farmers engage in donkey business – selling   per donkey.  The challenges of transporting
        Mary Waithera, a middle-aged donkey trader   and buying of this beast of burden.  donkeys  include  colic  in  the  animals  (severe
        who was all smiles as she interacted freely with                        abdominal discomfort characterised by paw-
        traders in the livestock market.    Said Gabow, the treasurer of Rhamu Livestock   ing, rolling and sometimes inability to defecate),
                                            Market  confirms  that,  “Donkey  farmers  now   because ordinarily, donkeys don’t drink water
        For the last two years, she has been buying and   have a reason to smile because the prices are   while on transit. She also has to deal with con-
        selling donkeys from different parts of the coun-  good. The demand for livestock like cattle, goat,   stant harassment by traffic police. Worse cases
        try. However Rhamu market has impressed her.   sheep  and  camel,  had  significantly  dropped   include death of the animals due to fatigue.
        She says that, “I have been doing this business   and we were wondering how we were going to
        for the last three years, but I have never been   feed our families. But thanks to donkey  keep-  Upon reaching the slaughterhouse, she sells a
        to a market as vibrant as Rhamu. When I was   ing, we can now earn a decent living.” he adds.  kilogramme of donkey meat at Sh85. The Sh300
        looking for a place to buy donkeys, someone                             million abattoir slaughters around 150 donkeys
        hinted  to me to try Mandera County, Rhamu   Waithera explains that before making a pur-  a day.
        sub-county to be precise, and I thought to my-  chase,  she  must  first  acquire  a  no-obligation
        self, ‘why not?’”                   permit. This is a licence that enables her to   Her advise to those interested in the trade is:
                                            move livestock freely from the point of sale to   “This is a business full of opportunities because
        In January this year, she decided to visit   the  abattoir.  The  Chinese  abattoir  she  deals   the market is huge. Mandera residents should
        Rhamu. She was surprised to find a huge un-  with issues the licence, instructing her to pur-  take advantage of the favourable climatic con-
        tapped market of donkeys. “When I came here,   chase the livestock from a particular area with   dition  that  is  conducive  for  rearing  donkeys.
        donkeys were roaming freely, yet nobody paid   a letter from the local chief and the local police   With time, Mandera will be the leading source
        attention  to  them.  However,  when  I  enquired   station as proof of the transaction. Armed with   of donkey meat and products in the country.”
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