P. 73


         Land registry offices Mandera East.

        Physical Planning
        Ensures orderly urban and rural development
        for improved livelihood through physical devel-
        opment plans as well as development control
        and compliance.
                                                                                             Mandera development plan
        Ensures provision of adequate, affordable and
        habitable housing for all
        Departmental achievements
        Lands Department
        Automation of land records
        The Ministry has transformed all land records
        in all the sub-counties into digital format. This
        has increased the efficiency in management of
        land records.

        Loss of records has been minimised while re-
        trieval of information has become very easy.
        Construction of land registry
        Land registry which is fully equipped has been   Kotulo development plan.  Elwak development plan.
        constructed in Mandera East. The county has
        also budgeted for construction of registries in   Spatial planning, secure land tenure and survey have generally
        the other six sub-counties.
                                               spurred development in Mandera County.The county is now
        Survey Department                       attracting many investors who are able to identify strategic
        • Surveying and planning of 1,480 plots and
         200 plots for internally displaced persons            locations for their investments.
         (IDPs) in Rhamu and Elwak respectively
        • Mapping and demarcation of over 100 pub-
         lic utilities countywide e.g Mandera Regional   The development plans provide a spatial frame-  Housing Department
                                           work for a more effective and efficient manage-
         Livestock Market, New Mandera. County   ment of urban spaces in the county. Never-  Renovation
                                                                               All the civil servants’ houses acquired from the
         Headquarters, Mandera Slaughterhouse.   theless, the plans promote the towns’ aim of
         This has warded off grabbing of public land   being the county’s economic drivers through   defunct Town Council have been renovated
                                                                               and are in good habitable condition.
         which was on the rise.
        • Demarcation of roads especially in Mandera   improved spatial efficiency and inclusion.
         East  and  Kotulo  to  avoid  encroachment  by   Development control  Training
                                                                               Training of 100 masons on Appropriate Building
         developers                        The department has liaised with other line de-
        • Survey and allocation of approximately 500   partments to create sanity in developments.   Technologies (ABT) has been undertaken.
                                                                               The County Government plans to put up about
         plots in Garbaqoley.
        • Acquisition of modern survey equipment.   Developments are now undertaken after ap-  300 housing units in the next financial year to
                                           proval to ensure they meet the set standards.
         This has improved the accuracy and speed   Illegal structures on undesignated sites such as   reduce  housing  shortage  in  line  with  the  Na-
                                                                               tional Government’s agenda on provision of
         in carrying out land survey
                                           road reserves have been cleared.    adequate and cheap housing. Spatial planning,
                                                                               secure land tenure and survey have generally
        Physical Planning Department
        Local physical development plans   Part development plans              spurred development in Mandera County. The
                                           Part developments plans have been prepared
        • Integrated Strategic Urban Development   to secure County Government land such as   county is now attracting many investors who
                                                                               are able to identify strategic locations for their
         Plans for Kotulo, Elwak and Mandera have   Karrow Airstrip and Takaba Slaughter House.
         been done to completion.                                              investments. The streetscapes, as well as high-
        • Preparation of development plans for other   Several PDPs have also been prepared to help   end modern structures have changed the face
         sub-county headquarters will commence in   private land owners acquire title deed.   of the town compared to what it was before the
         the next financial year (2018-2019).                                  era of devolution.
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