P. 74


                                    Better service to the

               The Department of Cohesion and Integration, in liaison with the CoEs, Ullamas, local
               administration and security organs, has managed to end inter-clan conflicts that was
                                                 rife before devolution

        Banisa residents participating in a dialogue meeting.
        Inset, county officials donate food to the less privileged.

            he Ministry of  Public Service has made great strides
            in service delivery and improvement of infrastructure
        Tfor residents of Mandera.

        Developments initiated through the Ministry of Public Ser-
        vice  include  the  construction  of  ward  offices  in  Kutulo,
        Wargadud, Shimbir Fatuma, Lagsure, Dandu, Kiliweheri,
        Derkhale, Rhamu Dimtu, Rhamu, Arabia and Libahiya
        wards. Before, there were no ward offices in these localities.
        With ward administrators already providing services
        at  the  ward  level,  the  opening  of  these  offices  have
        helped them in serving the people better. All sub-
        county  offices  have  vehicles  to  ease  service  delivery.
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