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                                                                               Environment sub-sector
                                                                               The department recorded the following mile-
                                                                               • Implementation of afforestation programme
                                                                                 in which 60,000 tree seedlings were planted,
                                                                                 nurtured and maintained across the county
                                                                               • Distribution  of  over  100,000  tree  seedlings
                                                                                 to households and public institutions to en-
                                                                                 hance forest cover
                                                                               • Spearheading of environmental education
                          Lag Sure water pan 60,000 cubic metre                  and public awareness creation on the impor-
                                                                                 tance of environmental conservation
                                                                               • Distribution of afforestation tools such as wa-
                                                                                 tering cans, hoes, and wheelbarrows among
                                                                               • Enforcement of EMCA 1999 Cap 387 law
                                                                                 and its regulations, such as EIA/EA, waste
                                                                                 management and air quality regulation in the
                                                                                 county in collaboration with the National Envi-
                                                                                 ronment Management Authority (NEMA)
                                                                               • Clearing of the prosopis juliflora (Mathenge)
                                                                                 in areas where the plant species has invad-
                                                                                 ed, such as roadsides and public places
                                                                               • Enforcement of the ban on the use of plastic
                                                                                 carrier bags in collaboration with NEMA
                                                                               • Formulation and operationalisation  of the
                      Governor Ali Roba launches water supply projects.          County Environment Committee.

        Over  the  last  five  years,  the  department  has
        made  significant  strides  through  the  following
        successful projects:
        • A total of 69 boreholes have been drilled since
         2013. Fifty-eight of these boreholes bore water
         and 56 have already been equipped and are
        • Construction of 40 new small to medium-sized   Camels at Merille earth pan in Banisa sub
         water pans (15,000m3 – 30,000m3)
        • Construction of 21 big dams (60,000m3 –        county.
         110,000m3)                         • These initiatives were instrumental in improv-
        • Completion of seven new infiltration galleries   ing  water  security  per  capita  from  6m3  per
         and protected wells                 person in 2013, to 9m3 per person in 2017.
        • Construction of 96 new underground tanks in   The projects also increased the percentage
         remote, water-scarce areas          of the population with access to safe and reli-
        • Rehabilitation of four urban and 33 rural water   able water services in the county from 31% in
         supplies                            2013 to 48% in Dcember 2017 in urban areas
        • Construction of 31 new rural water supplies  and  43% in 2013 to 68% in rural areas by
                                             December 2017.

        Energy sub-sector
        The following projects were successfully commissioned and delivered:
        • 1,821 solar-powered streetlights have been installed in all the six sub-county headquarters
        • 18 high-mast security floodlights have been installed in strategic places in Mandera Town
        • Stand-alone, solar-powered systems have been installed in 10 public institutions including
         schools, dispensaries and offices.
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