P. 78

                                                                               administrators, in particular Banisa sub-county
                                                                               administrators;  Department  of  Conflict  Resolu-
                                                                               tion, Cohesion and Integration of Mandera Coun-
                                                                               ty Government and administrators from Mubark
                                                                               and Filtu zones of Ethiopia. Alhamdulillah, we
                                                                               are now enjoying a period of peace and tranquil-
                                                                               ity, courtesy of a sustained and consolidated ef-
                                                                               fort by Kenya and Ethiopian governments.
                                                                               Communities residing along the Kenya-Ethiopia
                                                                               border celebrated the achievement by return-
                                                                               ing either lost and found or stolen animals from
                                                                               either sides. The Mubarak zone administration
                                                                               handed over some of the animals stolen during
                                                                               past conflicts including, 15 cows (two died while
                                                                               on transit) and four camels. Members of the De-
                                                                               godia community reciprocated by handing over
                                                                               seven camels and a donkey.
                                                                               Mandera  County Government  takes  matters  of
                                                                               cohesion very seriously. Over the years, conflicts
                                                                               over scarce resource have flared up in the re-
                                                                               gion, leading to inter-clan tensions between the
                                                                               pastoral communities. The Garreh and Degodia
                                                                               clans have been embroiled in several inter-clan
                                                                               conflicts, resulting in a chronic humanitarian cri-
                                                                               sis affecting both communities. As a result, ei-
                                                                               ther side has lost many lives and properties.

                                                                               Banisa peace caravan
                                                                               Governor Ali Roba, together with political lead-
                                                                               ers of the county, including Senator Mohamed
                                                                               Mohamud, Hon Rtd Major Bashir, Hon Kullow Ali
                                                                               Shiekh, Hon Mohamed Abdow, several MCAs,
                                                                               and the county security team led by the County
          Mandera County Government takes matters of cohesion very             Commissioner, set on a two-day peace building
                                                                               mission to Banissa sub-county where inter-clan
         seriously. Over the years, conflicts over scarce resource have        violence  had  flared  up  recently.  The  mission’s
          flared up in the region, leading to inter-clan tensions between      first  stop  was  in  Rhamu  town,  followed  by  Ola
                                                                               and Churuqo. The leaders condoled with rela-
                             the pastoral communities.                         tives of the victims of the violence during the
                                                                               two-day mission.
                                                                               Thereafter, a grand peace rally was held in
                                                                               Banisa town. Both Garre and Degodia clansmen
                                                                               attended the rally. The following declaration was
        tegration,  initiated  cease-fire  programmes.   es to the Mandera security team. One notable   made during the rally:
        Stakeholders such as the National Cohesion   achievement was the immediate increase in   That no politician will entertain armed criminals
        and Integration Commission (NCIC), under   the number of security officers in the county.   who hide behind the name of their clans to per-
        the chairmanship of commissioner Francis ole   Sophisticated equipment was also deployed   petrate acts of violence against any citizen in
        Kaparo were coopted into the programme.   to the county. A commitment to support police   Mandera. That the law will take its course and
                                           reservists was also made by the county gov-  the leaders will support the national security ap-
        As a result of focused leadership and collab-  ernment by paying the 335 national police re-  paratus to deal with any threat to peace without
        orative efforts among various stakeholders,   servists a salary of 15,000 and providing nine   hindrance.
        dialogue was initiated. These peace initiatives   vehicles for security night patrols.  It was further declared that:
        raised hope that the communication between   This boosted the morale of citizens and the   Any clan-armed gang that perpetrates violence
        ‘warring’ parties would foster peace and end   local  security  team,  leading  to even  greater   against civilians will be labelled as criminal. That
        conflicts.                         collaboration and determination to seek long-  these criminals will be denied protection of any
        The County Government launched reconcili-  lasting  solutions  to  conflicts.  The  County   kind, and any politician, clan elder or common
        ation and relationship-building programmes   Government also supported and funded the   mwananchi who shields them will also be ar-
        at the sub-counties to bring together warring   construction of patrol bases at hotspot areas   rested as an accomplice.
        communities. Peace stakeholders, under the   like Burmayo, Malkaruqa, El-ram, and Sukela   The Governor called on the national government
        stewardship  of  the  Department  of  Conflict   Tinfa, among others.  to ensure peace prevails in the county, and that
        Management, Cohesion and Integration, sup-  Since then, peace has largely prevailed in the   incidents  of  inter-clan  violence  in  Ethiopia  are
        ported and promoted dialogue and relation-  county. Indeed after the elections last year,   not allowed to spill over to Kenya.
        ship-building in the community. More than 180   there was a deliberate effort by communities
        peace dialogue meetings were conducted at   to embrace peace and cohesion. This entailed   Other peace initiatives
        various levels in the county.      shunning negative discrimination and policies   • Security partnership with the national govern-
        But the security sector was ill-equipped and   that promote exclusion.  ment
        faced with operational challenges at the time.   On January 11, this year, a ceremony to ce-  • Deradicalisation initiatives in partnership with
        Focus at the time was mainly on the headquar-  ment peace initiatives and to celebrate ef-  the national government and civil society organ-
        ters, leaving many wards vulnerable to attacks   forts to foster peace, was held at Malkamari   isations
        and militia control.               in Banisa sub-county. This was the first event   • Malkamari cross border peace initiative
        The County Government reached out to the   of its kind since the end of conflicts in 2016. It   • Wargaduud-Waranqara peace mission.
        national government to allocate more resourc-  was attended by both Kenyan and Ethiopian
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