P. 76


           Building foundation for skilled manpower

                                 to drive county agenda

               PUBLIc SERVIcE BOARD

                                                                               • Carried out implementation of the Declaration
                                                                               of Income, Assets and Liabilities across all the
                                                                               • Provided a number of human resource advi-
                                                                               sories to the Executive.
                                                                               • Lack of sufficient funds for human resource
                                                                               • Inadequate office space
                                                                               • High turnover of health workers due to inse-
                                                                               • Inadequate training of staff due to budgetary
                                                                               • Inability to attract and recruit people with dis-
                                                                               • Budget constraints

                                                                               Way forward
                                                                               • Harmonise disparities in the terms and condi-
                                                                               tions of service between inherited defunct local
                                                                               authorities staff and County staff.
                                                                               • Provide attractive and retention packages for
                                                                               qualified technical staff.
                                                                               • Mainstream Ssheme of services for all cad-
            he County Public Service Board is es-  monitoring of the national performance man-  • Streamline gender and persons with disabili-
            tablished under Section 57 of the County   agement system in counties.  ties in recruitment.
        TGovernment Act 2012.                                                  • Carry out sensitisation and awareness semi-
        The board consists of a Chairperson, Vice-  Achievements               nars/workshops for county public service staff
        Chairperson, Secretary/CEO and four Mem-  • Managed to form the Departmental Human   on Article 10 and 232 of the Constitution of Ke-
        bers appointed by the Governor with approval   Resource  Management Advisory  Committee   nya.
        of the County Assembly.             to deal with the day-to-day human resources   •  induction courses for all newly-appointed of-
        The Board comprises the following Members:  administrative issues in the County.  ficers.
        1.  Abdinur Maalim Husssein - Chairman  •  Utilised  the  job  evaluation  results  released   • Carry out annual comprehensive human re-
        2.  Amina Abdiwahid Noor - Vice-Chairperson  by the Salaries and Remuneration Commis-  source audits on a regular basis.
        3.  Muad Mohamed Khalif  - Board Member  sion (SRC) to harmonise various cadres in the   • Review the code of conduct and ethics for
        4.  Fatuma Ismail Haji - Board Member  county.                         county public officers.
        5.  Mohamed A. Issack - Board Member  • Distributed training, recruitment, retirement,   • Automation of Board processes including hu-
        6.  Hassan Mohamed Haji - Board Member  leave and promotion policies, among others,   man resource management and record keep-
        7.  Abdifatah Ibrahim Ogle - Board Secretary  to the County Departmental Human Resource   ing.
                                            Advisory Committee.                • Develop staff induction manual.
        As outlined in Section 59 of the County Gov-  •  Developed  a  performance  management   • Develop skills inventory for the County.
        ernments Act, 2012, the Board is mandated   framework and tool.        •  Monitor  and  review  performance  manage-
        to: establish and abolish offices in the county   • Recruitment and placement of key staff for   ment process in the county.
        public service; appoint persons to hold or act   the County (the number increased from 400 to   • Review all cases of staff due for promotion
        in offices of the county public service and to   2,200), which include chief officers, directors,   from devolved ministries.
        confirm  appointments;  exercise  disciplinary   deputy directors, accountants, supply chain   • Carry out baseline surveys on the status of
        control over, and remove, persons holding or   management  officers,  enforcement  officers,   the county public service in terms of compli-
        acting in those offices; prepare regular reports   human resource officers, health workers, early   ance  with  national  values  and  principles  of
        for submission to the county assembly on the   childhood development (ECD) teachers, engi-  governance.
        execution of the functions of the Board; pro-  neers, technicians and administrators.  • Review and implement the county public hu-
        mote in the county public service the values   • Capacity building and training of County staff   man resources manual and other existing poli-
        and principles referred to in Articles 10 and   to enhance performance.  cies.
        232.                                Sensitisation on national values and gover-  • Ensure a proper and working organisational
        The Board is also mandated to advise the   nance to county staff.      structure for each department and the corre-
        County Government on human resource man-  • Carried out suitability test for drivers and the   sponding optimum staff establishment to en-
        agement and development; and to advise the   defunct local authority staff for purposes of   sure the County fulfills its mandate.
        County Government on implementation and   placement.
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