P. 77

                         fostering peace for prosperity

               The County Government also supported and funded the construction of patrol bases
                at hotspot areas like Burmayo, Malkaruqa, El-ram, and Sukela Tinfa, among others.

        Governor Ali Roba with County Commissioner Olaka Kutswa
        during Banisa peace caravan.

             lot has changed for the better over the last five years.
             The greatest cause for worry, besides historical mar-
        A ginalisation of the North Eastern region, was insecu-
        rity. Conflicts and strife had led to the displacement of many
        Even national days were marked in the enclosed compound
        of the County Commissioner, with very few people turning up
        for the ‘celebrations.’
        Communities were divided and the subject of dialogue plat-
        forms was never broached.
        To drive a peace agenda for the county called for aggressive
        and innovative ideas. This was necessary to lay the founda-
        tion for peaceful and harmonious coexistence in the county.
        Consequently, the Mandera County Government, through
        the Department of Conflict Management, Cohesion and In-
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