P. 75

        The sub-county headquarters office complex in   nya Development Support Programme (KDSP),   officers  for  efficient  execution  of  their  duties.
        Banissa was officially opened by Governor  Ali   which targets all counties. This fund will go a
        Roba on March 16, while the Lafey headquar-  long way in filling capacity gaps and enhanc-  Mandera Governor Ali Roba took the bold
        ters office complex has also been completed.  ing service delivery to the people of Mandera.   step to invest in security and today, the re-
        The  remaining  offices  will  be  constructed  in                      sults are already showing. Residents  of Man-
        other wards. Sub-county headquarters will also   The  ministry  has  also    undertaken  reforms  to   dera are no longer spending nights in fear.
        be budgeted for in subsequent financial years.   ensure that the payroll data cannot be manipu-  Businesses are thriving and operating late
                                            lated by decentralising to the departments,   into the night in major towns in the county.
        The department manages over 2,000 staff re-  with each CCO scrutinising their departmental
        cruited by the County Public Service Board,   payrolls before payment is made each month.     The IDPs from Wajir have been successfully set-
        and more than 500 inherited from the defunct                            tled with each household allocated a plot. They
        local authority. The ministry carried out a train-  Through the Department of Cohesion and Inte-  are also supplied with water, non-food items,
        ing needs assessment and plans to rollout a   gration, in liaison with the CoEs, Ullamas, local   monthly food rations and ablution facilities. The
        comprehensive training schedule, once the   administration and security organs, the County   County also put up 250 houses for the IDPs
        budget is approved to ensure all staff have the   managed to end inter-clan conflicts that were   and plans to construct more houses this year.
        right skills required for assigned roles. The min-  rife before devolution.
        istry will also be recruiting village administrators                    Despite the challenges, the County Govern-
        in the next financial year. Other vacant  critical   Enforcement  officers  have  seen  to  it  that   ment has achieved a great deal and is on track
        positions  will  be  filled  after  consultations  with   county laws on waste management, town plan-  to make Mandera the ideal county for its resi-
        the board.                          ning, crowd control, revenue collection and   dents.
                                            promotion of hygiene in food kiosks among   The ministry is committed to offering exem-
        The ministry enrolled for the capacity building   others,  are adhered  to. Plans are  at an  ad-  plary, quality and uninterrupted service to the
        grant provided by World Bank under the Ke-  vanced stage to properly equip and train the   people of Mandera throughout the county.

        The completed sub-county headquarters office complex in Banisa.  Ward administration office in Kiliwehiri
        • Two sub county headquarters constructed and operationalised
        • Two sub County headquarters constructed and operationalized;
        • Management and administration welfare of 2409 County staff
        • Carried out Human Resource Audit to wind out ghost workers and
         cleanse the County Payroll
        • Trained all Senior County staff up to Deputy Director level on Labour
         laws compliance,
        • Trained 21 Officers on Integrated Personnel Payroll Data System for
         effect payroll management and Administration;
        • Construction and operationalization of 14 ward offices across the
        • Enforcement of National and County laws
        • Management and administration of sanitation programme that empow-
         ers 340 women across the County
        • Support to Water tracking in 169 sites and  Relief food targeting over
         63,000 households;
        •  Construction of 6 enforcement camps to support the security sector;
        • Support to security sector that included strengthening the role of Na-  The Governor when he handed over the Human Resource Audit to ‘Weed
         tional Police Reserve in enhancing security within the County by facil-  out ghost workers and cleanse the County’ payroll
         itating the stipends of 335 Officers and logistics in terms of hire of 8
         vehicles for night patrol.                           •  Conducted cross border peace stakeholders forum in Mandera East
        • Conducted several peace stakeholders forums in Mandera East, North,   and Banisa  to strengthen collaboration and coordination of the Ad-
         South, Banisa and Lafey leading to the Banisa Caravan grazed by the   ministrators and the public from Somalia and Ethiopia respectively;
         County National and Local leaders after the death of 6 people in our   • Conducted a major stakeholder’s forum to discuss emerging issues
         County;                                               in Countering Violent Extremism that lead to the drafting of the Man-
                                                               dera County Action plan for Countering Violent Extremism.
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