The Ministry is headed by CEC Abdiaziz Sheikh Maad
To be a county with a competitive economy and investment destination of choice to achieve a sustainable and equitable social economic development.
To promote, coordinate and implement integrated socio-economic policies and programmes for trade and investment, competitively innovative industrialization and infrastructure development with a vibrant commercially oriented co-operative sector.
Core Values
- Quality service delivery to all stakeholders
- Integrity, transparency and accountability in all operations.
- Professionalism
- Efficiency and effectiveness in utilization of resources.
- Social equity.
- Innovation and creativity
- Proactive leadership
- Impartiality and gender equity
- Team spirit among staff and other key stakeholders.
Core Values
Co-operative Development
- Registration and audit of co-operative societies in coordination with National Government
- Settlement of co-operative disputes, inspections and inquiries
- Co-operative extension, education and training
- Mainstreaming good corporate governance in the co-operative sector
- Co-operative research and development;
- Promotion of co-operative ventures, marketing, innovations, value addition and investment
Trade Development: –
- Formulation and implementation of Domestic Trade Development policy
- Promotion of retail and wholesale markets
- Development of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
- Private sector development
- Promotion and facilitation of intra, inter-county and cross border trade
- Promotion of use of E-Commerce
- Promotion of consumer protection, uniformity in trade measurements and fair trade practices
- Regulation of weights and measures
- Trade development and regulation, including – markets; trade licenses (excluding regulation of professions)
Industrialization In Collaboration with Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development
- Promote growth, graduation, productivity and competitiveness of Micro, Small and Medium Industries
- Conduct resource endowment mapping and promote investment opportunities in the regions
- Implementation of industrialization policy;
- Value addition processes and coordination of the management of all industries in the County;
- Facilitate financing mechanisms including supplier credit, equipment leasing and rentals; and Public Private Partnership;
- Construction of markets stalls in Khalilio, Wargadud, Lafey, Kutulo and mega SME park market in Elwak
- Building of office for trade department(Carpot building)
- Base line survey on micro small and medium enterprise in Mandera County
- Micro and small enterprise support for women and youth
- Administration management, capacity building and support to the SME’s
- Construction of fruit processing plant in Mandera (feasibility study and building design)
- Industrial land zoning and fencing
- Develop county investment policy and conduct the county investment forum