The county government aims to achieve the following key objectives in the education sector:
- Increase staffing levels /the number of trained Early Childhood Development Education (ECDE) teachers from 500 to 1,500 in all public institutions, fully registered ECDE centers from 200 to 400 and integrate ECDE curriculum with ICT curriculum.
- Improve the welfare of ECDE teachers in terms of remuneration with good scheme of service to retain quality personnel
- Provision of ECDE feeding program in all sub-counties and milk for the marginalized group along river line.
- Establish an ECDE Training College in every sub-county with standardized equipment and facilities.
- Build modern ECDE classrooms in every ECDE centre in all the 30 wards.
- Construction of standard well-furnished learning resource centres with fully equipped ECDE teaching and learning play materials in all the 30 wards.
- Growth monitoring and de-worming of ECDE pupils
- Improve skills and training of every staff in the ministry
- Construction of sports talent centres in every sub-county
- Promote talent in football, volley ball and other sports in all sub-counties.
- Register more clubs in all 30 wards and promote inter sub-county tournaments.
- Nurture and manage sports talent in all sub-counties
- Identify and develop sports talents at sub-county level.
- Develop and manage sub-county sports facilities.
- Ensuring national standards of developing sports facilities are adhered to.
- Organize and coordinate research for sports programs at sub-county level.
- Development and management of specialized facilities.
- Distribution of assorted sports attires and boots to the youth in every ward
- Create and organize inter clubs sports program for the youth
- Establish and maintain various annual sporting events including marathons, Governor’s FA Cup and County athletic meetings.
- Building of sports centres and fields in all sub-counties
- Recruitment of instructors for the six Vocational Training Centres (VTCs)
- Provisions of tools and equipment for all VTCs
- Provisions of instructional materials for all trades for the VTCs
- Provision of water for the six VTCs
- Construction of 16 classrooms in all VTCs
- Building of twin workshops at Takaba VTC
- Provision of subsidized tuition for VTCs trainees
- Provision of feeding program for all VTCs
- Instructor training/capacity building on pedagogical skills
- Approval/registration of five VTCs with Technical and Vocational Education Training Authority (TVETA)
- Registration of VTCs with Kenya National Examination Council for artisan and craft examinations
- Provide a bus for Takaba VTC
- Initiation of sporting events and competition among the VTCs
- Provision of Landcruiser vehicle for the Department of VTCs
- Repair and maintenance of infrastructure in all VTCs
- Board of governance training on management of VTCs
- Prize Giving and award of graduands in the six sub-counties
- Creation of awareness of courses offered in the VTCs
- Introduction of new courses in the VTCs to meet the community needs
- Provision of underground water tanks to Banisa, Elwak and Fino VTCs
- Fencing of Rhamu VTC
- Provision of Startup Kits to VTCs graduates
- Provide examination materials from National Industrial Training Authority (NITA) to Takaba and Mandera VTCs
- Completion of boys hostel at Mandera VTC
- Installation of solar energy at Fino and Banisa YP
- Build 20 toilets in all VTCs in the six sub-counties
- Insure trainees on internship
- Hold exhibitions and trade shows for VTCs
- Link VTCs to private business enterprises to offer internships
- Provide bursary for needy VTCs trainees