//Mandera County’s World Environment Day 2024: Tree Planting and Community Mobilization

Mandera County’s World Environment Day 2024: Tree Planting and Community Mobilization

World Environment Day, celebrated globally every year on June 5th, aims to raise awareness and celebrate environmental actions. This year’s theme is “Land Restoration, Desertification, and Drought Resilience.”

In Mandera County, the 2024 celebrations took place at Wargadud ward. The event was led by Dr. Mahamud Eda, CECM for Water, Energy, Environment, and Climate Change, alongside area MCA Hon. Bishar Sheikh Muktar and ACC. Other attendees included the County Chief Officer for Environment and Climate Change, the Director of Climate Change, CDE NEMA, KWS Warden, KFS, and the Mandera South Sub-county coordinator. The ACF-Mandera branch supported the event through a town clean-up and community mobilization.

The celebrations commenced with a spirited walk to Wargadud Primary School, where a tree planting exercise took place. Approximately 500 seedlings were planted, and an additional 1000 were distributed to various stakeholders.

The event culminated in a public baraza, where different speakers highlighted the importance of environmental conservation and the protection of natural resources, including trees, wildlife, and rangelands. Dr. Eda called on locals to protect and conserve the environment and to plant more trees, emphasizing that the government would take stern action against any activities harmful to the environment, such as illegal logging, tree cutting, charcoal burning, and illegal quarrying. He conveyed H.E Governor Mohamed Adan Khalif’s message that tree planting is a civic duty and encouraged locals to plant trees within their compounds.

By | 2024-06-06T08:55:16+03:00 June 5th, 2024|news|Comments Off on Mandera County’s World Environment Day 2024: Tree Planting and Community Mobilization

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