exec 2024-06-11T12:28:15+03:00

Welcome To Mandera County

Dear Residents of Mandera County,

Our journey has been marked by significant challenges, from the devastating impacts of climate change to administrative hurdles. Yet, the indomitable spirit of our county has remained steadfast, and our dedication to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) stands firm.

We’ve faced hardships from prolonged dry spells and severe floods that displaced families and disrupted livelihoods. Despite these adversities, the collective endeavors of the County and National Government provided much-needed relief. With the formation of our full-fledged Cabinet and expanded roles for our officers, we’ve turned over a new chapter of administrative efficiency and resilience.

As we look forward to this year’s budget, I’m optimistic about its transformative potential. We’re crafting a budget not just for the present but for the brighter future of Mandera. Our focus remains steadfast on fortifying education, healthcare, and infrastructure to ensure our county continues to thrive.

To every Mandera resident: your unwavering spirit has driven our progress. I’m deeply grateful for your faith in our collective vision, and I assure you, our shared aspirations will light the path forward to a prosperous Mandera.

With profound gratitude and commitment.

Public Participation for 2024/2025 Finance Bill
See the schedule here

Horn of Africa Water Project

Horn of Africa Water Project.

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Prof Adams Oloo

It is a lifetime experience. I’ve never been here before. It’s a historic visit to the frontline of the country. Governor Roba has turned around Mandera and I give him credit despite the climate challenges and security issues. I am very impressed with the great development I have witnessed and the cooperation between the county and the national government. It is completely contrary to the perception of many Kenyans who have never visited Mandera County. My appeal is to the people of Mandera to help the government in securing of our border as it takes both them and the government to establish a safer count

Building Bridges Initiative Vice-Chairman

Lawi Imathiu

When I first visited the Mandera in the mid-1960s during the Shifta War under the umbrella of the National Council of Churches Kenya (NCCK), Mandera was just a small village devoid of any development. Today, I am impressed at the level of development initiated by the county government. With its vast land, Mandera can be turned into an agricultural hub if proper measures are put in place. The country is an interesting destination toi visit

Former Methodist Church Presiding Bishop

Saitoti Torome

We appreciate the pace of development in Mandera and the progress made in the border securitization programme. Thank you Office of the Governor for your warm reception

Principal Secretary Ministry of Defence

Amb Dr Stephen Karau

I first visited Mandera in 1979 as a military doctor to pick a referral patient and ten years later, travelled back to the county to pick family members of the then dethroned Somalia president Siad Barre at Elwak. The two instances gave me a sneak peek of the county. However my recent visit as the Building Bridges Initiative CEO gave me an opportunity to interact with the residents and leaders. Contrary to belief, Mandera is secure, with vibrant wananchi and huge strides in development. My message to all Kenyans is that this is a stable and secure country

Building Bridges to Unity Taskforce CEO

Major (Rtd) John Seii

I was last in Mandera 53 years ago. Mandera town was a hamlet. All we could see then were thickets, wild animals and sparse population. For the six months that I stayed in the area we used to draw water from River Daua using donkeys, but the changes I have witnessed are tremendous,. My visit this year is a complete contrast to that of a half a century ago. The people are very friendly and what has amazed me most is the resilience of the people to develop their county despite threats posed by insecurity. Devolution has played a major role in the development of the region.

Member of Building Bridges to Unity Taskforce

Katoo ole Metito

I am very much impressed with the impact and ways devolution is transforming the lives of the people of Mandera through tangible development. I would also like to thank the Office of the Governor for the hospitality accorded the committee.

Chairman National Assembly Defence and Foreign Relations Committee

James Orengo

Our Constitution is anchored on the principles of human rights and the provision of services closer to the people at the grassroots. Well done! Devolution is working in Mandera

Siaya Senator

Maison Leshomo

We were skeptical due to security fears but I am surprised that Mandera is more peaceful and secure than Nairobi. I am very much happy in my maiden visit to this beautiful county,

Samburu Woman Representative

Adan Mohamed

Great to be home. This is the future. Great and successful devolution story. Keep the good work up. Tuko pamoja

Cabinet Secretary Industrialization

Joseph Kinyua

Governor, I appreciate your focused effort to transform Mandera. Keep it up and you can count on us in Nairobi

Head of Public Service.

H.E President Uhuru Kenyatta

In Mandera, child mortality has halved due to the County’s investment in medical facilities. We owe that success, first and foremost, to the diligence of our people; and to the leaders here, and their predecessors. I extend our warmest thanks to you all for this success so far

President, Republic Of Kenya

H.E Margaret Kenyatta

Radicalization of the youth is a legitimate and significant concern among all peace loving Kenyans. I am optimistic that radicalization, extremism and terrorism can be defeated through development, resolution of inequities and ensuring basic services and human rights for all. “As part of these efforts, I note that the Mandera County Referral Hospital has been refurbished from its formerly dilapidated state. It has emerged from the ashes into a very good hospital facility.

First Lady, Republic Of Kenya

Hon Raila Odinga

The transformation witnessed in Mandera County is a true testimony of the success of devolution. I have been very much Impressed during my tour

Former Prime Minister and ODM leader