Assalam Aleikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh
Early this morning a bus (Brother Coach) plying the route Mandera-Lafey suffered an IED attack near Budha in Mandera town. We have lost two (2) local passengers and 10 others were injured. Of the 10 injured, six are in very critical condition requiring medical evacuation for specialized treatment in Nairobi and four can be locally managed. The county government is in the process of evacuating the severe cases. I take this opportunity to condemn the heinous cowardly attack on innocent lives by the terror group Al-shabaab. This incident follows a number of other such incidences targeting security personnel on this road of Mandera to Lafey and onwards to Kutulo. I would like to urge the government to upscale their current ongoing efforts within the county to secure our roads.
I would also request our public to understand that we also have a role to play particularly in the common surveillance and reporting. Please do not get frustrated and tired of reporting any suspicious security related incidences to facilitate a swift response from our security personnel. Al-Shabaab is affecting all of us including our security personnel. We therefore need to work very closely together to improve our chances of defeating this common enemy.
Thank you.
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