//Mandera County Launches PSA Plant Housing Construction in Partnership with AMREF Health Africa and Ministry of Health

Mandera County Launches PSA Plant Housing Construction in Partnership with AMREF Health Africa and Ministry of Health

Mandera County’s Department of Health Services, with support from AMREF Health Africa and the Ministry of Health- National Government, held a groundbreaking ceremony for pressure swing adsorption (PSA) plant housing construction in three hospitals in the county.
In a meeting chaired by the CECM Health, the AMREF and MoH team introduced Mediquip, which is the implementing vendor for the project.
The team further gave details of the three projects and their anticipated completion time frame to the county health team headed by the CECM Health Services.
The PSA projects planned to be implemented in Mandera County entail the following four (4) components and phases;
1. Construction of PSA housing in the three hospitals
2. ⁠Installation of the PSA plant in the three hospitals
3. ⁠Provision of piping to transfer oxygen from the plant to all service delivery points of use within the three hospitals.
4. ⁠Provisions of automated manifolds in the three sub- county hospitals.
The three beneficiary hospitals include:
1. Mandera County Referral Hospital, which is expected to receive PSA plant housing, a 650 liters PSA Plant, and piping up to service delivery points.
2. ⁠Elwak Sub County Hospital, which is expected to receive PSA plant housing, a 450 liters PSA Plant, and piping up to service delivery points.
3. ⁠Banisa Sub County Hospital which is expected to receive, PSA plant housing, a 300 liters PSA Plant, 110KVA Generator, piping up to service delivery points and upgrading of the hospital power line from one phase to three phase to facilitate uninterrupted electricity supply.
The CECM Health, Mr. Mohamed Ali Omar, officially presided over the groundbreaking ceremony at Mandera County Referral Hospital in the company of AMREF Health Africa team, MOH representatives, the County Chief Officers for Medical Services and Public Health, the Directors of Medical Services and Public Health, County Public Works Engineer, the hospital management team and the project vendor. The site was officially handed over to the contractor.
The CECM Health extended his appreciation to AMREF Health Africa and MoH for their support to Mandera County health department which serves the residents as well as the cross border communities that heavily rely on the Kenyan side for their health needs.
By | 2024-08-22T10:43:51+03:00 August 20th, 2024|news|Comments Off on Mandera County Launches PSA Plant Housing Construction in Partnership with AMREF Health Africa and Ministry of Health

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