1. It is now SEVEN months since the index cases of COVID-19 was first reported in our County on 5th April, 2020. Along the way, we mounted one of the most aggressive containment campaigns in the Country, and Alhamdulillah with the help of Almighty Allah and the cooperation of our people as well as the tireless effort of our health team, we managed to navigate through the worst with minimal complications and loss of lives.
2. When we began our intervention efforts in April, the biggest challenge we encountered was Laboratory testing to confirm suspected cases. We had to transport all samples via air to Nairobi which was not only costly, but also, fraught with delays in results being relayed back in a timely manner for decision making by medical personnel. Despite all this challenges, we tested 854 people up to August 2020. It is against this background, as well as the fact that Covid 19 is not about to go away any time soon, that we partnered with KEMRI to establish a molecular Laboratory that can test not only Covid 19 but also many other viruses.
3. Quality Control and /Quality assurance and a complete validation process has been conducted with the help of Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI) and National Influenza Laboratory which will then lead to sharing of results through the National portal with MOH Hqs in Nairobi. Since 26th Sept to date, a total of 90 samples have been tested for Covid 19 at Mandera Molecular Lab, with six turning positive and responding well to management and treatment. This now brings the total tested cumulatively to 944, with 34 positive, 32 recoveries and 2 deaths.
4. Global trends have shown that Covid 19 infections is increasing owing to loosening up of preventive protocols that hitherto was the main way of flattening the curve. In our Country, the rate of infections is again increasing, with Ministry of Health figures for 18th Oct reporting 685 new infections and seven deaths over a 24 hour period. This calls for vigilance and up scaling of community interventions as well as personal protection measures to reduce infection transmission.
5. Mandera County Government through the Ministry of Health has put in place 306 isolation beds across the County, with the Mandera rehabilitation isolation center also having a 5 bed ICU dedicated to Covid 19 cases only beside other critical care facilities at MCRH and Elwak Sub County Hospital. We have recruited more medical personnel, trained all staff and procured enough supplies and equipment’s to respond to this crisis. We will now redouble our efforts in prevention as we have a situation where some students have also been allowed back to school. Covid 19 is still here with us and is a threat that we should not downplay.
I have noted with concern that masjids have relaxed rules, with the congregation not observing the required social distancing of one meter between persons, wearing of masks and carrying own prayer mats. I want to caution our people that, it is in the best interest of all, that we must maintain the same level of personal protection of hand washing, wearing of mask, social distancing and no shaking hands. We MUST be cautious of pandemic fatigue as the Covid 19 virus will not tire. We will conduct robust Covid 19 prevention in all schools that have resumed learning process and where necessary do testing of any suspected cases. I call upon our people to take up personal protection as a citizen responsibility to ensure we remain safe. I also urge the public to embrace testing as a way of knowing ones status and reduce transmission.
6. Finally I wish to recognize the great effort of our medical personnel during this pandemic. It is through their effort that Mandera County reduced the spillover of cases from Somalia through heightened surveillance along the porous border, besides being top in Contact tracing nationally and also being the best among the 47 counties for Covid 19 pandemic preparedness and response as assessed. I wish to encourage you to redouble your community intervention efforts so that we remain safe as a County.
Thank you.
End of Statement
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